This a still from a stageplay titled VYAGRAHAROGAN performed at 'RANGMANCH' at SRIJAN-The cultural fest of IIT ISM Dhanbad, under the guidance of Mr. Nalini nihar nayak and two of the ex presidents of our club Mr. Biswaranjan naik and Mr. Deepak Thakur we were able to secure FIRST POSITION at the competition among all the participating teams and won a prize worth INR 15,000. The title 'Vyagraharohan' when translated stands 'Vyagraha' for 'bagh or tiger' and 'arohan' for 'riding'.The play beautifully depicted how materialism and false pride can consume a person's ability to think rationally and thereby leading to their downfall. The play revolves around a mighty and arrogant king Abhivantra whose boastful nature and falsified pride leads to his great loss. A tiger is captured by the kings-men and brought before the king. Instead of treating the matter cautiously, to the safety of his people, the king is rather careless and boastful and commands his younger son to ride the tiger away from the kingdom and loses his son henceforth for the sake of his pride and glory. The play ends with the king realising his mistake and giving a beautiful moral to implement in our lives.